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Calendar of Principal Events

Date Event Venue Grace / Thanks Duty Lead / Birthdays
August - Theme
Tuesday, 06 Aug 2024  Council Meeting Chez Robin
Thursday, 08 Aug 2024  Lunch Palmer Arms Andreas Schneider
Thursday, 15 Aug 2024  Speaker Meeting Rotary Scholar Clarissa Schafer Pines Geoff Try
Thursday, 22 Aug 2024  Business Meeting Pines Robin Weathersbee Terry Pattinson
Thursday, 29 Aug 2024  Speaker Meeting DG Kate Hodges Pines Peter White Andreas Schneider
September - Theme
Tuesday, 03 Sep 2024  Council Meeting Chez Robin
Wednesday, 04 Sep 2024  District Meeting Benson
Thursday, 12 Sep 2024  Speaker Meeting Clive Hassler from S Africa Pines Gordon Briggs Geoff Try
Thursday, 19 Sep 2024  Lunch Meeting Palmer Arms Peter White
Sunday, 29 Sep 2024  Business Meeting Pines Brian Clark Gordon Briggs
October - Theme
Tuesday, 01 Oct 2024  Council Meeting Chez Robin
Thursday, 10 Oct 2024  Speaker Meeting Hannah Wilson, our sponsored Scholar in USA Pines Jaswant Dhillon Brian Clark
Thursday, 17 Oct 2024  Lunch Meeting Palmer Arms Jaswant Dhillon
Thursday, 24 Oct 2024  Business Meeting Pines David Gould Robin Weathersbee
Thursday, 31 Oct 2024  Fellowship Pines Charles Lakin Peter White
November - Theme
Tuesday, 05 Nov 2024  Council Meeting
Thursday, 14 Nov 2024  Speaker Meeting ? DG Kate Hodges Pines Richard Mingard Gordon Briggs
Thursday, 21 Nov 2024  Lunch Meeting Palmer Arms Brian Clark
Saturday, 23 Nov 2024  District Meeting Henley
Thursday, 28 Nov 2024  Business Meeting Pines Terry Pattinson Jaswant Dhillon
December - Theme
Tuesday, 03 Dec 2024  Council Meeting Chez Robin
Saturday, 07 Dec 2024  Tesco's Collection Tesco's Slough.
Thursday, 12 Dec 2024  Christmas Dinner Burnham Beeches Golf Club Gordon Briggs Peter White
Thursday, 19 Dec 2024  SGM Pines Brian Clark Gordon Briggs
Thursday, 26 Dec 2024  No Meeting
January - Theme : Rotary Awareness
Thursday, 09 Jan 2025  Speaker Meeting Pines